安奈特(Allied Telesis)自1987年在美国硅谷成立以来一直在世界以太网解决方案领域占据领先地位,同时它在创建新兴的宽带基础设施方面也始终保持着先进的理念。历经近二十年的发展,安奈特的业务已遍及全球,在世界各地拥有二百多个分支机构,建设了完善的研发中心、生产基地、销售渠道以及售前和售后服务体系。
www.alliedtelesis.com.cn - 2020-01-16 - 收藏Walton Chaintech
The Chaintech Computer Corporation was founded in November of 1986 and introduced its own motherboards and video cards into the computer hardware market.
www.chaintech.com.tw - 2020-01-16 - 收藏Technicolor
Technicolor is the world\'s largest film processor; the largest independent manufacturer and distributor of DVDs (including Blu-ray Disc); and, a leading global supplier of set-top boxes and gateways.
www.technicolor.com - 2020-01-16 - 收藏Lenovo United States
Shop Lenovo computers. Special offers on ThinkCentre and IdeaCentre desktops and ThinkPad and IdeaPad laptops, notebooks and netbooks. For business, home and school.
www.lenovo.com - 2020-01-15 - 收藏SANYO Electric(三洋)
SANYO Electric Global Portal Site. Gateway to SANYO Websites Worldwide, and Products Information, Corporate Information, Corporate History, Investor Relations, Corporate Social Contributions.
www.sanyo.com - 2020-01-15 - 收藏Ricoh(理光)
Ricoh Global portal site. You can find Ricoh\'s wide range of products , environmental activities, invester relations.
www.ricoh.com - 2020-01-15 - 收藏KYOCERA(京瓷)
Produces cameras, copiers, printers, mobile phones, ceramic goods, electronic and semiconductor components, and optoelectronic products.
www.kyocera.com - 2020-01-15 - 收藏HP United States
Official Hewlett-Packard site - Buy or learn about HP printers, laptops, computers, digital cameras, servers, storage, networking, software, enterprise solutions and more.
www.hp.com - 2020-01-15 - 收藏NVIDIA(英伟达)
NVIDIA (Nasdaq: NVDA) is the world leader in visual computing technologies and the inventor of the GPU, a high-performance processor which generates breathtaking, interactive graphics on workstations, personal computers, game consoles, and mobile devices.
www.nvidia.com - 2020-01-15 - 收藏
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